
Alcoholics Anonymous Web Release PIcture.

Literature published by A.A. World Services, Inc., is a resource for recovering alcoholics and other individuals. You can find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous, its history, and how it works.

Is A.A. for You?

12 Questions Only You Can Answer

Symptoms of alcoholism are summed up in 12 questions most A.A.’s had to answer to identify themselves as alcoholics.

This is A.A.

An Introduction to the A.A. Recovery Program

An introduction to A.A.: describes who A.A.s are and what they have learned about alcoholism. For all who think they may have a drinking problem.

Frequently Asked Questions About A.A.

Answers many of the common questions people have about alcoholism and A.A.: What is alcoholism? What are the Twelve Steps? How can I tell if I am really an alcoholic? Informative reading for those seeking help with a drinking problem, as well as for their families and friends.

A Brief Guide to A.A.

Using simple language, this pamphlet offers general information on Alcoholics Anonymous, covering topics such as symptoms of alcoholism, the Twelve Steps (A.A.’s program of recovery), the function of A.A. meetings, and more. For public information purposes.

Young People and A.A.

Nineteen young A.A.s — aged 16 to 27 — tell how they were able to stop drinking through Alcoholics Anonymous, dispelling many common “myths” about alcoholism and A.A. Includes a self-diagnostic questionnaire for those who think they may have a drinking problem.

LGBTQ Alcoholics in A.A.

Thirteen LGBTQ alcoholics chronicle their experience before and after joining Alcoholics Anonymous, and how — despite their trepidations about A.A. — they discover that the tie that binds us all together is freedom from alcohol. Includes stories by recovering alcoholics who self-identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and transitioning, and queer.

Questions and Answers on Sponsorship

Uses shared A.A. experience to answer 34 questions likely to be asked by persons seeking sponsors, persons wanting to be sponsors, and groups planning sponsorship activity.

Is There an Alcoholic in Your Life?

A.A.’s Message of Hope

Directed to family and friends of the problem drinker, this pamphlet describes what active alcoholism looks like and explains how A.A. may be able to help a loved one stop drinking.

A.A. and the Armed Services

Personal stories tell how men or women in the military — any rank, any age — can beat a drinking problem through A.A.

The A.A. Member—Medications & Other Drugs

Directed to A.A. members who must take medication as well as to medical professionals, this pamphlet offers suggestions for minimizing the threat of relapse while taking prescribed medications. Nine A.A. members also share their personal experience with medications and other drugs.